Python basics (
Video 1
Variables: Words that can store data. A variable might store a number, a word, a sentence or a list of things.
Operators: Basic math symbols for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (+, -, *, /)
Functions: Commands which let us do things within the programs. Some functions are built in and some will be created by us!
Video 2
Input: Getting information from outside the program. This might come from someone using your program in the case of an app, or from sensor data in the case of a robot.
Changing Variable Types: Sometimes we have to change variable types to allow them to interact. We do this with functions int() and str(). Remember that variables need to be alike if we want them to be able to interact!
Video 3
Conditionals: Conditionals let us check for when something happens or when something is true. The most common of these is an if statement (which can be expanded to an if/else or and if / elif / else statement).
Boolean: A boolean is a specific type of variable, a True or False variable.
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