Game 4: Breakout
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///Bounce against walls
move_outside_all(direction, 100);
// Create surface, draw everything to it, deactivate all other objects
surf = surface_create(room_width, room_height);
// creates a surface which is the same height and width as the room.
// A surface is basically a clear drawing surface on the screen.
// Sets aside room in memory for surface and begins drawing on it
draw_clear_alpha (c_red, .5);
// Clears surface of buffer noise and sets color and alpha
// (0= fully transparent, 1 = fully opaque, .5=50% transparent)
// Tells GM to stop drawing on the surface and
// allows drawing directly on the screen again (and thus the draw GUI below)
instance_deactivate_object (obj_ball);
// Deactivates the ball without destroying it.
visible = true;
//This object is visible.
//Adding the command is not strictly necessary since we already set the object to visible.
// GML commands, also called functions, are set up in categories.
// Draw_ gives you access to draw functions.
// Instance_ functions give you access to things dealing with instances of objects.
// Draw_set_ commands establish parameters for your draw actions.
// This one changes your draw font to your pause font (set it up, if you haven’t).
// This one sets the color.
// typing c_ will give you a list of different color options.
// Sets the horizontal alignment of the font to center.
draw_surface(surf, 0, 0);
// This function draws the surface over the room.
// The surface that it draws is called surf (which is what we called it in the create event).
// It draws it starting at 0x and 0y in the room.
draw_text(room_width/2, room_height/2, "Game Paused: Press Space to Continue");
// This draws text. It looks for (x,y,string) which means the programmer
// decides where the it goes. room_width / 2 is right in the center of the room.
// A string is a series of text in “”. The text is in black and centered because of the above
// draw_set_ functions.
// Since the text of the scoreboard is aligned to the left, we need to reset the alignment.
/// Unpause, clear surface, re-activate all objects.
// Free up the memory from the surface.
// Essentially this deletes the surface.
// By the way, we are starting code now because there are no commands in
// drag and drop programming that deal with surfaces.
// Activate all the objects again
// We could have also used instance_activate_object (obj_ball);
// since that is the only thing we deactivated in the create event.
// Destroy the pause object.
// As you look at this code, remember that instance_ functions are used
// to control instances of objects in the room. As we get further along, we
// will use more code blocks, so it is important to be aware of the general
// language rules because you won’t always know what the exact command
// will be for an operation.
// In the code block autocomplete will help you find the right one. If you know
// you are dealing with an instance, you can start typing “instance_” and will be
// given a list of possible things which could finish that command.