Game 6 Highlights

Due to time, we will cover the following:

  • Platformer Movement (Video 1)

  • Importing Sprite Sheets (Video 1)

  • Enemy Movement & Paths (Video 2)

  • Tile Sets (class and video 3)

  • Big Room with a follow view (class and video 3)

Platformer Movement Script

// Run This Function in END STEP event
 This function requires passing in arguments playerSpeed (not hspeed or speed) 
 and a gravity value.
 You should also make an optional argument maxFall with a value of 15
 In addition, you need to have two variables in the create event
 of your object:
     jumpSpeed = 0
     canJump = true
optional:  Jumping variable (needed in create if you are going to have
		   a jumping animation (controlled in step).


/*Horizontal Movement*/

var move = -keyboard_check(vk_left) + keyboard_check(vk_right);
var collision = instance_place(x+playerSpeed, y+vspeed, all);

// You are moving right
if (move == 1){
	if (collision < 0 or !object_get_solid(collision.object_index)){
		x += playerSpeed;
	// Move to wall, if there is a SOLID wall to your right
		move_contact_solid(0, playerSpeed);

// You are moving left
else if (move == -1){
	collision = instance_place(x-playerSpeed, y+vspeed, all)
	if ( collision < 0 or !object_get_solid(collision.object_index)){
		x -= playerSpeed;
	// Move to wall, if there is a solid wall to your left
		move_contact_solid(180, playerSpeed);		

/*Vertical Movement*/

jumping = false;
collision = instance_place(x, y - jumpSpeed, all);
// Check to see if you are in the air or are about to jump.
if (place_empty(x, y + 1) or jumpSpeed > 0 or (collision > 0 and !object_get_solid(collision.object_index))){
	jumping = true;

// if you are jumping...
if (jumping){
	// Move up or down if there is no collision this frame.
	if (collision < 0 or !object_get_solid(collision.object_index)){
		y -= jumpSpeed;
	// Check for a SOLID object below you
	else if (jumpSpeed < 0  and  object_get_solid(collision.object_index)){
		move_contact_solid(270, jumpSpeed)
		jumpSpeed = 0
	// Check for a SOLID object above you
	else if (jumpSpeed > 0  and  object_get_solid(collision.object_index)){
		move_contact_solid(90, jumpSpeed)
		jumpSpeed = -0.1
	jumpSpeed -= grav;
	if (jumpSpeed < -maxFall){
		jumpSpeed = -maxFall;

// If you are on SOLID ground, allow the player to jump again.
if (!place_empty(x, y+1) and instance_place(x, y + 1, all) > 0 and object_get_solid( instance_place(x, y + 1, all).object_index)){
	canJump = true;

Animation Control

var dir = -keyboard_check(vk_left) + keyboard_check(vk_right)

//put your sprite names here:
var jump_right = sMario_jumpR
var walk_right = sMario_right
var jump_left = sMario_jumpL
var walk_left = sMario_left

image_speed = 3
if (dir == 1){
	if (jumping){
		sprite_index = jump_right;
	else {
		sprite_index = walk_right;
else if (dir == -1){
	if (jumping){
		sprite_index = jump_left;
	else {
		sprite_index = walk_left;
else {
	if (!jumping and sprite_index = jump_right){
		sprite_index = walk_right;
	} else if (!jumping and sprite_index = jump_left){
		sprite_index = walk_left;
	} else if (jumping and sprite_index = walk_right) {
		sprite_index = jump_right;
	} else if (jumping and sprite_index = walk_left) {
		sprite_index = jump_left;
	image_speed = 0;
	image_index = 0;

Enemy Move

var collision = instance_place(x+hspeed, y+vspeed, all);
var collisionBelowRight = instance_place(x+hspeed+sprite_width, y+1, all)
var collisionBelowLeft = instance_place(x+hspeed-sprite_width, y+1, all)

if (hspeed > 0){
	if (place_empty(x+hspeed+sprite_width, y+1) or
	   (collision >-0 and object_get_solid(collision.object_index)) or
	   (!place_empty(x+hspeed+sprite_width, y+1) and collisionBelowRight > 0 and object_get_solid(collisionBelowRight.object_index) == false )){
		hspeed = -hspeed;
else if (hspeed < 0){
	if (place_empty(x+hspeed-sprite_width, y+1) or 
	   (collision >-0 and object_get_solid(collision.object_index)) or
	   (!place_empty(x+hspeed-sprite_width, y+1) and collisionBelowLeft > 0 and object_get_solid(collisionBelowLeft.object_index) == false )){
		hspeed = -hspeed;

Jump Attack

if (y < other.y and jumpSpeed <= 0){
else {


Mario Sprite Sheet

Enemy Sprite Sheet

Mario Tileset

Last updated