Game 5: Tank Battle
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// Make sure that only the active player is able to fire the gun.
// Also, no players should be able to fire if we are between turns
// (transitioning from player to player)
if (obj_controller.WhoseTurn == myName) and (obj_controller.Transitioning == false){
// Check to see if the the spacebar is released.
if (keyboard_check_released(vk_space)){
// The xdistance and ydistance is the difference between the origin
// position of the cannon and the end of the barrel at any given rotation.
// This value is basic trigonometry for a right triangle if you know the
// hypotenuse (the barrel sprite width -- in this case 64) and the angle.
ydistance = 64 * (sin(degtorad(Barrel_Rotation)));
xdistance = 64 * (cos(degtorad(Barrel_Rotation)));
// instance_create_depth will create an object at a specific depth. (100 is generally the
// background. We are creating obj_bullet at the x and y of the firing turret and shifting the
// bullet based on the angle of the barrel.
// Because we are using "with" the things within the { } will apply to the thing being created.
// In this case, we are giving the bullet the barrel rotation value of the turret which is
// shooting it off. We have to use other. because we are actually doing this from within the
// bullet object, not the turret.
with instance_create_depth(x+xdistance,y-ydistance,50,obj_bullet)
direction = other.Barrel_Rotation;
// We are adding an alarm in obj_controller and setting letting the game know we are between turns
// so that players can't fire off multiple bullets and can't accidently fire off their opponent's
// shot.
// We use room_speed for the alarm because we can multiply our Frames per second by a time in
// seconds for a more intuitive control. At 30 FPS, we could have also put in a value of 30.
obj_controller.alarm[1]= room_speed * 1 //seconds;
obj_controller.Transitioning = true;
// We will finish off our step event by turning the gravity back on if the turret
// is not moving and there is nothing under it (a box just got destroyed for
// instance) OR if there is fire directly under the turret. We want the turret
// to fall into the fire.
if ((speed == 0 and place_empty(x,y+1)) or place_meeting(x,y+1,obj_fire))
gravity = 1;